I’ve started recently streaming on Twitch.tv basically to stave off loneliness when I’m at home and my partner isn’t around. Streaming on twitch is essentially allowed people to watch you play a game while you chat (at least in premise). By doing this I’ve learned many things about both myself, Pokemon Sword and Shield and the social conventions of streaming.
Chatting to strangers on the internet is more wholesome than you’d think
So naturally, when you begin Streaming on the internet you get certain expectations. Like any other millennial raised by a Christian mother, your mind immediately fills with all the things that could go wrong, doxxing, being swatted, being chatted up by some fat bloke called Dave who lives in his mum’s basement – the possibilities are endless. But it turns out its mostly just bored people finding something to listen to as a makeshift podcast or themselves just want someone to chat to. You already know you have stuff in common since they’re watching you stream a game and it’s a quick and easy way to make new friends (if you are safe).
Playing games with an audience means they pick up on everything you say
If you get annoyed and lose your temper or make an off-colour joke someone will pick up on it. During a playthrough on a recent stream, I got annoyed at a boss fight. I insulted the character as a joke and thus my chat for the rest of the week was just people quoting it in the chat. Everything you say is recorded and on record, which is obviously why MPs don’t stream on twitch.
It’s pretty accessible
Most people think you need a lot of equipment to start streaming, but all you need a relatively recent microphone a machine that can run games and decent enough internet connection. Most of the streaming software is free and easy to use like OBS or StreamlabsOBS.
It’s more fun than just playing in the dark
Normally when I get home from uni, work or just a long day, in general, I am too tired to think. Playing games requires thinking. So naturally, it’s often quite difficult to unwind with a game. But streaming wakes me up engages me and relaxes me all at the same time. It’s a good time.
It gives you immediate gratification
Compared with youtube videos where you upload and have to wait to get views and see how it’s received, you get immediate feedback and so it improves the overall quality of it as a whole. In general, a video highlight of my streams is way more interesting than any video I’d make on its own.
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