Welcome to Invicta News!
This news website is created by students from the Centre for Journalism at the University of Kent. We work to make sure this is a platform where you can find quality journalism, intriguing stories, as well as, your own voice. We strive to bring you the latest news from politics to entertainment, and from local to global stories.
We are the generation of future journalism, so we believe in always telling the truth while upholding diversity and equality. We make sure every story we publish is thoroughly checked and reflects a real side of the world.
On this website, we hope you can find a variety of news that are of your interests, so you can read and watch our content with trust.
We are a team operating from Medway. If you would like to share your opinion or have any stories for us, please get in touch via social media accounts or email.
Here is where you can find us:
Email: invictanewskent@gmail.com
Instagram: @invictanews
Twitter: @newsinvicta
Facebook: Invicta News
TikTok: @invictanews