Kent news Top Stories

UK house prices are at their lowest making Kent one of the most favourable areas for buyers

By Anastasia Dzutstsati

According to the latest official figures from the Office for National Statistics, the house price growth in the UK is at its lowest in 5 years, making Kent one of the most favourable areas to purchase a house.

The report shows that the average price for a house in the UK has increased by as little as 2.8% by the end of 2018, driven mainly by a slowdown in the South East of England.

“Medway is a very good area to invest into property at the moment. It’s an upcoming area and it is close to London,” says Alex Chadwick, an independent real estate agent.

Those who are looking for a property can seriously consider Kent as their new home. Josh Bryant from Ramsgate is currently on a house hunt and is happy about the price drop.

“The prices are slowly dropping. I think it would be an advantage to purchase now.”

“The massive elephant in a room is Brexit. But as long as there are students my niche section of market will survive,” says Craig Sullivan, Lettings manager at Student House Gillingham.

“Students rent on the permanent basis. So therefore the rental figure as a whole for one property is a lot more, say, if you rented out to the family.”

The price drop might be temporary and depends on the current political and economic situation within the country. Because of that many real estate agents insist on purchasing houses as soon as possible.