Health Lifestyle

Veganuary 2019: Lets try veganism

A charity organisation called Veganuary launched a campaign at the beginning of the year, urging people to try veganism. Over 70,000 non-vegans participated in this campaign last year. The campaign also grew by 183%.


The campaign is an annual event that takes place at the beginning of each year. This year’s theme was called “Plant-based parliament”.


They tried to urge members of the parliament to go meat and dairy free for the month of January.


The team members marched down to the and called them to get their “house in order”


The Campaign was also supported by avid vegan, Labour MP Kerry McCarthy.


Vegan Beauty Blogger, Nicole Whittle explains how influential this campaign could be.


She also discusses the future of Veganism and how people could find it more acceptable over the next few years.