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The Government are looking to pay £500 to everyone with Covid-19 in England, in order to support the self-isolation scheme. It is among the suggestions in a leaked document from the Department of Health dated 19th January, and marked ‘Official Sensitive.’

Currently it is just a suggestion, a senior Government source has said it had been drawn up by officials and has not be considered by the Prime Minister. It seems like the idea is being downplayed.

Clothes sales have suffered the biggest drop in 23 years, with a 25% decrease official statistics suggest. This comes about despite a pick up in December.

After two days in office President Joe Biden has already ended many Trump-era policies, he has even bought in a piece of Medway history to his new role.

In terms of weather, temperatures could drop as low as -10 degrees in the coming days. Storm Christoph has moved eastwards and will be replaced by sub-zero conditions this weekend.

International News: We have updates on both China and France, presented by Elina and Ellie.

CHINA: China now has two main areas of focus in terms of Coronavirus. First is the World Health Organisation landed in Wuhan last week on a mission to investigate the origin of the virus, now they are are in 14 days of quarantine.

When Coronavirus first broke out in China, it coincided with the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. Now a year later since the Wuhan lockdown the state is once again facing the problem of how to celebrate their biggest holiday in a safe way.

For more information on this story you can watch our Instagram live which will be shown at the end of this article.

FRANCE: Yesterday it has been recorded that there have 310 Covid related deaths and today so far there have been over 26,000 cases. The numbers remain on a steady level for about a month, France has been avoiding the talk of a lockdown. Shops are currently still open and the public are allowed to go out.

However, restaurants are closed and a curfew of 6pm has been extended to the whole country. If people do not respect these rules there are fines that can be given by the police, up to 2000 euros.

If you would like to hear more on this story, please click the link below!

Our radio show today will be available hopefully later on so please keep your eye on that.


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