The Tracey Beakers of our world say you can be successful after life in care
Following a week of rave reviews, the second episode of My Mum: Tracey Beaker is set to return to the small screen tonight.
The three-part series is a spin off of the well known Tracey Beaker and Dumping Ground series.
But just how accurate is the portrayal of life after foster care?
Whether the Jaqueline Wilson book peaked your interest or the CBBC show was after-school entertainment, there is no doubt Tracey Beaker was a huge success in the noughties.
Known for her feisty personality and curly hair, children watched in awe as they followed Tracey Beaker through her journey within the foster care system.

Through tribulations of foster parents and childrens homes, to many failed adoptions, it was a surprise to see the character make a return to the screen last week. This time she has a very successful life of her own.
24-year-old Eileen Healey was in foster care from the age of 5. She feels that a positive representation of care leavers is long overdue.
She said: “I think it will show that you can be successful and go on to good things. Obviously with it being a TV show, some people still might not believe it and be like oh yeah that’s not true.”
However, she has faced discrimination for her background, despite graduating from University with a degree in Marketing. She has been told that she may struggle to get a job because of her background in care.
Across the country, hundreds of foster carers welcome children into their homes every week. Providing them with a safe place to live and therapeutic care.
Louisa Jones from the Orange Grove fostering agency says foster carers “play a key role” and the success of children after care is “a credit to the foster parents and the love and support that they can provide”.
And, many carers stay in touch with children they have cared for for years after they have left the care system. Sue Eaton has been fostering for more than 15 years and says the young people are always welcome back to her home. She believes there are “a lot of Tracey Beakers out there”.
Millions are expected to tune into CBBC tonight to watch Tracey and her journey. So, there is hope that the positive spotlight continues and care leavers are no longer shadowed by their past.
Find out more during our LIVE radio show at 3pm!