It has now been over a week since Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced another lockdown for all households in England. Businesses have closed, restaurants have gone back to serving takeaways only and places of worship have shut their doors once again.
The Government have made it clear that places of worship must only be open for certain purposes, such as individual prayer. This does not include communal worship, weddings, funerals and special religious ceremonies such as baptisms.
However, the number of individuals or households permitted in a place of worship will be dependant on the size of the building and whether or not they will be able to social distance.
If we go back to two months ago in September, lockdown had just been eased and churches were officially allowed to be open again. Priscilla Agyenim, member of the Church of Pentecost UK described the experience as a ‘relief.’
“Although we had church services online the experience and engagement are not the same as compared to when we meet in person and fellowship, it is a special feeling that words cannot express,” said Priscilla.
However with social distancing measures in place fellowship became different and strict. “I remember the first day back, I felt sad within, I missed those days where we could freely dance and move up and down without having to think of the one-way system,” explained Priscilla.
Now members such as Priscilla must adjust again due to the move back to online services. She described this news as quite disappointing as she had just gotten used to going back and the new rules, which didn’t last for very long.
Despite this, Priscilla Agyenim has realised that church is not confined to the four walls of a building.
Maryam Adeleke, member of Hackney Evangelical Reformed Church also describes the move to online services as disappointing. Being away from the church building for several months has left her getting used to the distance from her brothers and sisters in Christ, something she realises is not a good thing.
“I think the way things have been this year in church we have all probably been seeing ourselves drifting away from the brethren and it is not how church is meant to be, it is not how God ordained it to be,” said Maryam.
Maryam is hopeful that lockdown will not be extended and continues to pray for normality to resume within the churches as soon as possible.
Looking for a Church fellowship online at University?
PENSA UK (Pentecost Students and Associates) is a Campus Ministry of the Church of Pentecost for young people. University of Kent, Medway is part of this ministry and meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Campus Vibe is another University based Ministry, Part of the Liberty Church London and the young adults Ministry, VIBE! University of Kent Medway will be meeting every Thursday online.
For more information concerning both these ministries:
Follow: Pensa_ukm